Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex

UDC: 629.082
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2021-6(126)-84-88



1 Pacific State University, Khabarovsk, Russian Federation

Keywords: industrial safety, resource conservation, recovery, petroleum products, light hydrocarbons, tanks, loss of gasoline from evaporation, losses reduction, light fractions capture system, additional connector, filling of light oil products, tank cars


The loss of petroleum products due to evaporation remains one of the strategically important problems in the field of raw materials transportation and storage. Despite numerous studies on the issue of recovery, there are various obstacles that do not allow completely minimization of light hydrocarbons loss followed by their return to the production process. Also, it should be noted that the process of vapor return is complex and includes several stages: cooling or sorption with solid absorbers, followed by the oncoming flow condensation of a homogeneous liquid. It is required for solving the set task as well as "ensuring the reduction of the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment in accordance with the environmental standards, which can be achieved through the use of the best available technologies, taking into account economic and social factors" [1]. The utility model proposed by the authors of the article refers to the oil and chemical industry, namely, to the devices used for top loading of light and dark petroleum products into tank cars and tank trucks on railway loading platforms, as well as auto-filling points of oil depots, oil refineries and end points of main oil pipelines. The purpose of the study is to identify the possibilities of alternative methods for reducing the loss of petroleum products from evaporation during filling operations directly on the loading racks. The scientific novelty and practical significance of the work presented by the authors consists of a utility model development that allows significant reduction of light oil products loss, as well as to minimization of the negative impact of the released vapors on the environment and personnel serving the overpasses. The main advantages of this development are versatility, ease of installation and ensuring sealing at the joints of the filling device with the neck of the tank car. Therefore, the implementation and use of the developed technological solution will significantly reduce the loss of petroleum products from evaporation during filling operations, which will significantly decrease commercial losses.


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