Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
Research of the process of sliding of drill bit cutting structures of double-cone dril bits

UDC: 622.24.051.552
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-1(127)-14-21



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: well drilling, double-cone drill bit, roller cutter, slipping of drill bit cutting structures, penetration per the tool, flushing unit, jet nozzle, rate of penetration


The article presents the results obtained during studying the process of sliding of drilling bit cutting structures of double-cone drill bits along the bottomhole. The kinematics of double-cone dril bits equipped with cutters, the axes of which are parallel to the bits rotation axis is analyzed The results of the conducted studies proved the fact that the design of double-cone drill bits with a negative parallel displacement of the axes of the rolling-cutter drill bits relative to the bit rotation axis makes it possible to drill out the bottomhole rock with significantly lower energy consumption. In this case, the destroyed rock dumping carried out by the cutting structure teeth towards the periphery of the well coincides with the directions of the drilling fluid main flows, especially for bits equipped with a central flushing system. In this regard, the use of double-cone drill bits with a negative displacement of the cones relative to the bit rotation axis, when drilling soft rocks, is more effective than with a positive displacement of cones of the same magnitude and opposite in sign.


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