Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
On the features of ensuring the dynamic stability of technological pipelines of polar compressor stations workshops

UDC: 628.517
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-1(127)-67-72



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 Gazprom Diagnostics, Vidnoe, Russia

Keywords: pipeline, piping, line, collector, gas transmitting unit, shut-off valves, vibration resistance, vibration, gas pulsation, resonance, vibration velocity, amplitude, frequency


The article discusses the results of extended vibration tests and calculations of acoustic gas vibrations performed for technological pipelines of the multi-workshop compressor station of PJSC "Gazprom". The need for the work was caused by the fact that during the operation of the station, increased vibration levels of the pipeline strapping of gas pumping units, including overhead collectors, were recorded. Based on the results of extended vibration examinations, it was revealed that the registered vibration was the result of gas pulsations in the pipeline system caused by the occurrence of acoustic resonant vibrations in the strapping sections having waste-free branches. Such branches in collector systems can be, for example, sections of gas pumping units with closed cranes connected to the collectors of inlet/outlet pipeline lines. The peculiarity of such fluctuations, called "dead-end", is the fact that they can be eliminated either by changing the operating mode of the station, or by changing the configuration of the pipeline system. Changing the operating mode to ensure vibration resistance of the strapping is often impossible due to the operating conditions of the station. Changing the configuration of the strapping at an operating station cannot be performed without its partial or complete shutdown. Therefore, the tasks of ensuring dynamic stability should be solved at the stage of the project development. However, for one reason or another, this is not always done, or is performed at an inappropriate level. The article suggests some approaches to the design of multi-workshop high-flow compressor stations with above-ground execution of technological pipelines of gas pumping units, aimed at ensuring the dynamic stability of these pipelines.


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