Scientific and technical journal
«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»
ISSN 1999-6934

Main trends of improving the system of maintenance and repair of oil and gas field equipment
UDC: 658.58
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-1(127)-7-13

1 Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, Baku, Azerbaijan
Keywords: mechanical engineering, oil and gas field equipment, reliability, operational efficiency, system, maintenance, repair, aggregate repair, system approach, cascade graph, reliability formation
The features of using and improving the system of technical maintenance (TM) and repair (R) adopted in the oil and gas production industry are considered. The structure of TM (technical maintenance) and R (repair) system, the basic provisions and practical instructions for ensuring and restoring the operability of facilities and (or) their components are given. The performed reduction of the TM mandatory type volumes is shown, including those which should be done regularly and compulsorily. The necessity of controlling and timely restoring the main parts, including hydraulic, pneumatic and other systems, has been taken into account. Among the applied methods of maintenance and repair, the proprietary method as well as methods of TM and R, are specially highlighted by specialized personnel or a specialized organization. Along with the above said, the standard also regulates specific operations and types of repairs, in particular, repairs based on technical state and aggregate repairs. The issues of assessing the rational frequency of maintenance and repair, as well as the selection of a strategy for their application are touched upon.
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