Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
Study of the distribution of pressure, free gas content and mixture density along the length of an electrically driven vane-type pumping unit working on a gas-liquid mixture. Comparison of the results of numerical and physical experiments

UDC: 502.1
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-2(128)-24-28



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: electric submersible vane-type pumping unit, gas-liquid mixture, bench tests, gas content, mixture density, pressure, mathematical model


The study of the operation of a multistage electric submersible pump (ESP) when pumping gas-liquid mixtures (GLM) is a very topical issue. Various factors (speed factor of a stage, stage inlet pressure, inlet volumetric gas content, number of stages in a pump) have different effects on the ability to pump GLM for different types of submersible pumps. The detailed study of the pump operation requires understanding of how each stage is able to effectively pump the formation fluid, as well as how parameters such as pressure drop, gas content, and mixture density change along the length of the pump. Such studies can be carried out both in bench conditions (with modeling of the necessary parameters) and with the help of well-known mathematical models of multistage pumps for pumping GLM. This article presents the results of bench tests of a multistage submersible pump of a diagonal type when pumping a gas-liquid mixture, as well as a comparison of the results with the results of the mathematical model under the same conditions. Dependences of the pressure distribution of some stages along the entire length of the liquid supply, as well as dependences of the pressure distribution at the exit from the stage, changes of the gas content at the inlet to the stage, changes of the mixture density at the exit of the stage along the length of the multistage pump at the nominal (optimal) operating mode are constructed. The results of numerical and physical experiments have good convergence, which indicates the adequacy of the mathematical model and the possibility of its application to determine the influence of gas-liquid mixtures parameters on the operation of the blade pump.


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