Field testing of the wellhead separator coagulating device at the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field
UDC: 622.279.5:622.24.7
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-3(129)-10-13
1 Gazprom dobycha Urengoy, Novy Urengoy, Russia
Keywords: field tests, wellhead separator, sand-liquid mixture, gas production, Cenomanian reservoir, self-damping, water intrusion
The technology of operating gas wells using concentric tubing strings at the late stage of operation has been successfully implemented at the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field to ensure the performance of marginal gas wells operating with condensate water. To estimate the amount of the water removed, there are various indirect methods using two-phase flow meters operating on different physical principles. However, the most accurate way to determine the amount of water in a gas flow is the use of full-flow separators. The low specific liquid content contained in the formation gas and the decrease of formation pressures below 5...6 MPa impose restrictions on the use of the existing gas separators. To solve the problem of improving the trapping of the condensate liquid by the existing separation equipment, it is proposed to use a coagulating device upstream of the separator, made of a metal roll mesh and making it possible to prevent partial entrainment of the liquid phase into the gas collection network. The use of a coagulator in combination with a wellhead separator provided a qualitative improvement of field experiments results, such as an increase in the volume of condensate water separated from the gas flow, which indicates making a reasonable technical decision.
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