Scientific and technical journal
«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»
ISSN 1999-6934

Improving the efficiency of liquid phases separation in jet hydrocyclones
UDC: 62-465:539.4.001.21
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-3(129)-27-33

1 Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Oktyabrsky, Bashkortostan, Russia
Keywords: efficiency, swirling jet, liquid phase, structure of the formed counter flow, flow
Carrying out various technological processes, including process and waste water purification, is associated with phase separation. The most efficient process of phase separation occurs in the field of centrifugal forces. Such equipment – vortex apparatuses, centrifuges, hydrocyclones – work and separate various mixtures: liquid–solid phase, liquid–liquid, gas–liquid, gas–solid phase. The separation process occurs mainly in the external flow of a moving multicomponent mixture. The main factor during phase separation is the presence of closed circulation vortices between the rotating flows of the liquid phase and the central gas-air column. The choice of the scheme of centrifugal separation process in apparatuses of cyclone and hydrocyclone types depends on the solution of this issue. The initial parameters of the injected suspension jet determine the processes of flows formation in the hydrocyclone and separation of the jet. Suspension entering the hydrocyclone body tangentially or at some angle already has a formed jet profile and retains it as it moves towards the lower discharge opening. The separation process occurs in a swirling jet as it moves in the hydrocyclone, and the efficiency of this process depends on the factors that determine the stability of the flow jet structure. The results of experimental studies of the hydrocyclone operation with a finely dispersed suspension: the proposed measures and the obtained experimental results on the swirling jet hydrodynamics can be applied to improve the separation process efficiency in cylindrical countercurrent hydrocyclones; the interaction of the swirling jet in the near-wall area with the liquid phase is decisive; reduction or complete exclusion of the swirling jet interaction with the liquid phase in the near-wall zone provides a sharp increase in the process of phase separation; the pitch of the swirling jet is the determining parameter for the design of internal elements placed in hydrocyclones; the conical displacer determines the nature and structure of the formed counter flow in the zone near the axis of the device; the efficiency of the separation process is increased by replacing the annular outlet section with a helical surface with a pitch suitable for the pitch of the swirling jet.
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