Determination of water saturation of oil reservoirs
UDC: 622.
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-3(129)-40-44
1 Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Baku, Azerbaijan
Keywords: rock, porosity, logging, water saturation, cross-plot
Determining the physical properties of rocks under conditions simulating reservoir conditions is of great importance for the preparation of projects for the development of hydrocarbon deposits. It is known that water saturation is characterized by the wettability of rocks by displacing fluids, the intensity of capillary processes in the formation, and the amount of oil in the pore space of the formation. The water saturation value can be used to determine the likelihood of oil recovery and estimate the volume of oil for a given reservoir size. To obtain complete information about the technical condition of wells, about the parameters of the reservoir for successful development with the full development of recoverable oil reserves, it is necessary to study the reservoir and filtration properties of the reservoirs. In this regard, the article is devoted to determining the water saturation of oil reservoirs. The author considers in more detail the Archie equation for determining the water saturation of clean reservoirs. However, this equation is used if all the necessary parameters are known, including porosity data. Therefore, the paper considers the ratio method that does not require the value of porosity. A method for constructing cross-plots for estimating porosity and resistivity logs is considered. The proposed methods make it possible to ensure the reliability of determining the value of water saturation. They can be used in the study of any carbonate or shale-sand reservoirs.
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