The use of shell-and-tube heat exchangers to increase the efficiency of gas turbine plants
UDC: 621.565.93/.95
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-3(129)-45-50
1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow, Russia
Keywords: heat exchanger, gas turbine plant, gas pumping unit, absorption cooling machine, cycle air cooling system, compressor station, energy efficiency
The efficiency of technological schemes and thermal processes implemented at compressor stations (CS) of main gas pipelines is largely determined by the climatic conditions of the region and largely depends on the characteristics of the heat exchange equipment used. The use of heat exchangers in the systems with gas turbine engines can significantly increase the efficiency of both individual gas compressor units (GCU) and compressor stations as a whole. The article presents a comprehensive analysis of the main parameters of shell-and-tube heat exchangers used in the cycle air cooling system (CACS) of gas turbine plants (GTP) based on absorption chillers (ACh). The results of calculation of the cooling system and parameters of heat exchangers for compressor stations in the southern region of Russia are presented. The main requirements for the cooling system are formulated, the problems arising on the way of increasing the energy efficiency of gas turbine plants are considered, recommendations on the characteristics of heat exchange equipment for the creation of gas compressor units with the cycle air cooling system turbine drive are developed.
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