
Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
On the issue of assessing the risk of stress-corrosion cracks in the metal of a steel gas pipeline

UDC: 692.691.4.004:620.194.2
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-3(129)-51-56



1 Gazprom diagnostics, St. Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: stress-corrosion defects, main gas pipelines, magnetic control, cracks, steel pipelines


At present, main gas pipelines in Russia have a long service life. These structures are operated in difficult corrosive conditions, leading to the appearance of stress-corrosion defects. The article presents the results of experimentally measured values of stress-corrosion cracks lengths in a real section of the gas pipeline, which made it possible to establish the prevailing values of these lengths. The significance of stress-corrosion defects depths and the possibility of merging of these defects with the formation of the main crack were also studied. The possibility of carrying out magnetic control of the metal actual stress state in the field of stress-corrosion defects was considered, and magnetic control of the stress state of sections of the main gas pipeline with stress-corrosion cracks was carried out before and after mechanical treatment (grinding of metal). It was revealed that mechanical treatment of the metal decreases the stress state of the metal of the steel gas pipeline with stress-corrosion cracks, which means that their level of danger for the strength of the metal of the steel gas pipeline also decreases.


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