
Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
Informational support of decisions taken by gazprom pjsc organizations and enterprises to ensure environmental protection and environmental safety of oil and gas complex facilities

UDC: 504.05/.06
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-3(129)-72-78



1 Gazprom gaznadzor, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: cluster, ecology, control, damage, violation, statistics, forecasting, event, safety, environmental protection


The article discusses the principles of applying the method of supporting decisions made when justifying and planning measures which ensure environmental protection and environmental safety. The method is based on the practical application of statistical information accumulated during the work of regulatory authorities on violations of existing requirements in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety observed during the construction/reconstruction or operation of fuel and energy complex facilities. The principles of choosing clusters of violations for conducting primary statistical analysis are outlined. The method of confirming the danger of failure to take measures in the chosen direction with the help of statistical forecasting of the event is characterized.


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