Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
To the question of hoisting ropes durability

UDC: 622.
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-5(131)-44-48



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: hoisting rope, operational time of the hoisting rope, method of determining the rope operational time, hoisting system, drilling winch drum


The durability of the hoisting rope largely determines the efficiency of the operation of the drilling rig pulling-and-running mechanism. The operating time of the rope before its replacement depends on a large number of factors, which include the correct choice of the main elements of the hoist system and the winch drum, the input control of the rope and proper operation. These issues have been studied by the teachers of the Department of Machinery and Equipment of Oil and Gas in different years. They also proposed methods for calculating the operating time of the rope and determining the conditions of rope wear during operation.


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