Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
The results of bench studies of a downhole sucker-rod pump operation in complicated operational conditions

UDC: 622.276:622.323
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-5(131)-49-56



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: downhole sucker-rod pump, plunger–cylinder pair, wear resistance of the plunger–cylinder pair, leaks in the plunger–cylinder pair


The method of oil production using downhole sucker-rod pumps is one of the first and most common not only in our country, but throughout the world. A lot of the first scientific works and studies of oil scientists are devoted to the downhole sucker-rod pumps operation. The most famous scientists whose works are related to this topic are A.N. Adonin, T.K. Aliverdizade, R.A. Bagramov, I.G. Belov, A.S. Virnovsky, V.N. Ivanovsky, V.M. Kasyanov, B.B. Kruman, A.G. Molchanov, A.M. Pirverdyan, K.R. Urazakov. The Department of Machinery and Equipment of the National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University" is one of the leaders in the field of research and design of downhole sucker-rod pumps. The main results of researches, carried out by graduates, postgraduates and teachers of the Department, are relevant and used both in the educational processes and in practice by oil workers and machinery builders. The article describes the stands designed at the Department of Machinery and Equipment, which allow for complex bench tests of variously designed downhole sucker-rod pumps of. The results obtained make it possible to determine a predictive analysis of downhole sucker-rod pumps operation in a well, to determine the design parameters interdependence of the plunger–cylinder pair on the amount of leakage in the pair as well as to build an "applicability matrix" for downhole sucker-rod pumps of various designs depending on complicating factors and design features of the plunger–cylinder pair of downhole sucker-rod pumps.


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