Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
Research of the mass-transfer elements operation of the gas purification separator and consideration of a method that is applied to increase the gas separation efficiency

UDC: 622.691.4
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2022-5(131)-85-90



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: centrifugal mass transfer element, gas separation, separation equipment, contact devices, efficiency enhancement


The most part of the unique and largest gas deposits according to natural gas reserves classification, such as: Urengoyskoe, Medvezhie, Yamburgskoe, Yamsoveskoe, Yubileinoe, Komsomolskoe, Vyngapurovskoe, etc. are in the stage of declining production or close to it. These fields have been depleted by more than 80 % on the average, and gas production has decreased by almost 80 %. With regard to the geological structure complexity of the Senomanian reservoir, underlain and surrounded by powerful water basins, at the initial design stage and in the subsequent years the development, the possibility of predicting those negative factors that would later emerge at the final stage of the fields development such as a decrease in total gas withdrawals from the reservoir as a consequence a reservoir pressure drop and well flow rates a decrease as well as the conditions of gas production and treatment complications due to the presence of a large amount of formation water and mechanical impurities in the production of wells, supplied to complex gas treatment plants (CGTP) was practically excluded. Physical and moral deterioration of the equipment requires constant updating and, accordingly, significant amounts of capital investments in the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of field facilities. The combination of these factors affects the efficiency of the processing equipment of the complex gas treatment plants (CGTP) (gas treatment facilities, gas compressing units, glycol regeneration system, etc.). The article studies the modes of GPR 353.000.00 direct-flow centrifugal elements for gas treatment separators in order to increase the separator operational efficiency without the internal elements modernization. The results of analytical calculations are compared with the results of computation of Solidworks Flow Simulation computer simulation to determine the minimum separation rate in a direct-flow centrifugal element. The method for expanding the operating range of the separator is proposed. According to the research results, an increase of the separator efficiency is achieved by increasing the gas flow rate in the direct-flow centrifugal element, where the gas separation rate has increased up to 50 %, and the separation efficiency – up to 37,5 %. At the same time, the hydraulic resistance in the separators changed by 0,4 %. Using this method, it is possible to expand the range of operation of gas treatment separators at a later stage of a field development.


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