Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
The discrepancy between the pressure-flow characteristics during computer and field studies and the method of testing experimental samples of the stages of electric submersible pumps

UDC: 622.276+622.323
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2023-1(133)-7-11



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 PC "Borets", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: electric submersible pump, centrifugal stage, computer simulation, hydrodynamic performances, bench tests, 3D printer, ABS plastic


The article presents the main results of numerical studies on the construction of pressure-flow characteristics and bench tests of the stages of electric submersible pumps of the following layouts: conditional 2A size with an optimal supply of 50 m3/day, conditional 5 size with an optimal supply of 125 m3/day and conditional 5A size with an optimal supply of 125 m3/day. STAR CCM+ and SolidWorks Flow Simulation CAD systems were chosen as software products for constructing pressure-flow characteristics, which allow performing hydrodynamic and gas-dynamic calculations of any level of complexity. The process of creating a conditional 5A size stage with an optimal supply of 125 m3/day by using 3D printing, made of ABS plastic and a test procedure for measuring the hydrodynamic parameters of this stage sample is also described. This technique includes the following design and technological stages: designing a stage in the SolidWorks Flow Simulation software package, optimizing geometric parameters to improve performance and creating a 3D model of the stage, conducting virtual tests to build a complex characteristic, manufacturing experimental samples of stages using 3D printer, carrying out bench tests of the printed steps, comparing and finding the correlation of the results obtained. Bench tests were carried out on a certified bench in the educational-scientific laboratory of the Department of Machinery and Equipment for the Oil and Gas Industry of the National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University". The results presented in the article allow making a conclusion on the discrepancy of the stages pressure-flow characteristics, manufactured from ABS plastic and metal.


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