Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
A comprehensive method for determining the parameters of the reservoir system during filtration of non-Newtonian oil in a reservoir

UDC: 622.276.031
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2023-3(135)-49-52



1 Azerbaijan State University of Oil and İndustry, Baku, Azerbaijan

Keywords: reservoir system, initial pressure gradient, non-Newtonian oil, pressure, permeability, porosity


The effectiveness of managing the process of oil and gas fields development directly depends on the changes definiteness degree in time and the deposit the extension as well as on the development indicators and geological-physical parameters of the layers composing them. Since the determination of fields development indicators is possible only if the reservoirs’ geological-physical parameters are known, then, in order of more acute and reliable control of a field development process, the determination of these parameters by using various methods of well research data interpretation is of scientific and practical importance. The article proposes a comprehensive method for determining reservoir parameters that characterize the physical and filtration-capacitance properties of a reservoir system when an initial pressure gradient is manifested during non-Newtonian oil filtration, which provides for the use of data of the reservoir development history using an identification and graphical-analytic procedure. The procedures used are widely spread in the practice of interpreting oil and gas wells survey data. The proposed complex methodology provides for their joint use, which can be effectively applied in the case when simultaneous determination of a large number of parameters characterizing the reservoir system is required.


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