Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
Organization of a gas pipeline selective repairing

UDC: 622.692.4.053
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2023-3(135)-82-86



1 EKSIKOM, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: main gas pipeline, gas pipeline overhaul, method of insulation replacement repair, pipe replacement repair method, selective repair method, cost optimization of repair work, pipeline capacity, stress-strain state of the pipeline


The repair of the linear part of the main gas pipelines accounts for most of the operating costs. The article, based on practical material, studies the options for minimizing repair costs by optimizing the methodology of choosing repair methods of gas pipelines linear part. The issues of organization of pipeline sections repairing where there are both zones with a high concentration of defects and zones with a small number of them scattered along the pipeline route are considered in detail. Pipelines during operation and repair work are exposed to the transported product and mechanical effects of construction mechanisms. The authors investigate these factors and give recommendations on how to take them into account when organizing repair work.


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