Scientific and technical journal

«Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6934

Equipment and technologies for oil and gas complex
Low-pressure natural gas transportation

UDC: 620.9:621.574.013-932.2
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6934-2023-6(138)-71-76



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: energy-saving, gas transportation, energy-saving technologies, low-pressure transportation, energy intensity of trunk gas pipeline transportation, loading of trunk gas pipeline technological section, operational schemes of trunk gas pipeline technological section, conditions for compressor shops shutdown


The article describes the reasons for low-pressure natural gas transportation and the specific features of the operation of trunk gas pipelines (TGP) technological sections (TS) under these conditions. The methodology of determining the possibility and expediency of shutting down compressor shops (CSh) of multi-shop compressor stations (KS) during low-pressure natural gas transportation in order to reduce energy costs is given. Operating modes of the real technological section of trunk gas pipeline are considered. The considered operating technological section of the three-line trunk gas pipeline includes five compressor stations. The operating pressure of trunk gas pipeline is Poperational = 7,36 MPa, the pipes outer diameter of the linear sections between the compressor stations is D = 1420 mm, bridges between the trunk gas pipeline lines and gas reduction taps (points) are installed on the site. Optimal schemes of operation of the trunk gas pipeline technological section at different loads are determined. The economic effect of their implementation compared with traditional schemes of technological sections operation is estimated. At the same time, it is emphasized that when considering other trunk gas pipeline technological sections, that have specific performance characteristics, the number and other equipment of the compressor stations by gas compressor equipment, the flow ranges at which it is advisable to switch to another optimal operating scheme with the shutdown of the compressor shops should be determined by a series of calculations taking into account the characteristics of the object.


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