Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011


UDC: 338.984+622.691
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2021-9(201)-31-40



1 South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk, Russian Federation

Keywords: active energy complexes, distributed power generation, energy efficiency, electricity demand management, gas demand management, energy market, energy supply


The paper studies the possibilities of functional expansion of active energy complexes concept in the RF industry and the fuel-energy complex. The authors of the paper are conducting researches resulting in identifying the prerequisites for expanding the use of distributed power source systems in the Russian industry, the main of which are the shortage of power supplycapacities and the high cost of technological connection to the electric networks of territorial electricity supplying organizations. The paper analyzes the economic and technological advantages provided by installing small distributed generation systems by industrial enterprises of Russia, as well as presents forecasting estimaion of the volume of distributed generation systems introduction in the short term. The paper describes the technological and economic features of the fuel and energy complex of Russia that allow expanding the possibilities of applying the concept of active energy complexes not only in terms of managing electricity consumption, but also in natural gas consumption, which significantly expands the ranges and effects of their application. The paper describes the modern structural scheme of active energy complexes in the modern electric power industry, as well as proposes the structure of integration of active electric energy complexes and natural gas in the Russian industry. The proposed structural scheme of active energy complexes is characterized by the integration of distributed electricity generation systems with autonomous gas supply systems, thus providing significant efficiency increase and expansion of the ranges of application of active energy complexes in the fuel and energy complex of Russia, increase not only the reliability and quality of energy supply to consumers, but also reduction of the cost of purchasing electricity and natural gas at the level of both individual industrial enterprises and all consumers operating in the United power system and the United gas supply system.


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