Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
№ 12 (360), December 2021
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The method of three-dimensional geological modeling of complexly-built the Upper Jurassic deposits on the example of the Sredne-Nazymskoye oilfield

UDC: 550.8.072+622.276.1/.4.001.57
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2021-12(360)-54-58



1 LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: the Upper Jurassic deposits, reservoir rocks, three-dimensional geological modeling


The modern study and development of geological objects is not possible without the three-dimensional geological modeling. The methods of building models should be improved in accordance with the growing complexity of the studied and developed objects, as well as with the assigned development tasks. Unfortunately, standard approaches to modeling complexly-built deposits often fail to reach the desired result. An improved methodology of building a three-dimensional digital model of the Upper Jurassic thin-layered deposits of the Western Siberia containing thin reservoirs is proposed. The key aspect of the methodology is accounting of the territory paleotectonic history development, which makes it possible, with a certain degree of probability, to predict the target deposits the productivity.


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