Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011


UDC: 553.98:550.812
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2021-4(352)-5-13



1 LLC "LUKOIL-Engineering", Moscow, Russian Federation
2 North-Caucasus Federal University, Institute of Oil and Gas, Stavropol, Russian Federation

Keywords: oil and gas potential prospects, Eastern Ciscaucasia, Karpinskiy ridge, East-Manych Trough, republic of Kalmykia, Mesozoic sediments, Permian-triassic sediments, Neftekumsk formation, Paleozoic complex, water area of the Caspian Sea


Over the past two decades, research organizations and oil and gas companies have carried out a significant amount of geological exploration work on the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia, the results of which were not properly summarized earlier. The authors present a modern assessment of the oil and gas potential of Kalmykia using a significant amount of previously unanalyzed materials on its territory and the region as a whole. The modern assessment shows that the territory of the Republic of Kalmykia and Kalmykia shallow shelf of the Caspian sea still have significant oil and gas potential and a resource base of hydrocarbons (HC) that isn`t involved in development Based on the analysis of the geochemical data and methods of basin analysis, the authors of the paper proposed a model for the formation of hydrocarbon deposits on the territory of Kalmykia and in the Kalmykia shallow shelf of the Caspian Sea. According to the proposed model, the oil and gas potential of the Republic's territory is determined by two main areas of hydrocarbons generation: the south-western edge of the Caspian basin in the northern part of Kalmykia and the East-Manych trough (Manych deflection zone) in the southern part. A significant role of the Tersk-Caspian trough is predicted in the formation of oil and gas deposits in the Kalmykia shallow shelf of the Caspian Sea. The territory of the Republic is characterized by insufficient and uneven degree of geological and geophysical study, lack of geological exploration stages, incomplete regional stage of geological study. To date, the southern part of the Republic is the most prepared one for further development. It represented in tectonic terms by the Karpinskiy ridge and the Manych deflections zone. The authors suggest the following priority areas for further exploration in the southern part of the Republic: Jurassic-Cretaceous sediment complex (including Kalmykia shallow shelf of the Caspian Sea), Permian-Triassic and Paleozoic sediment complex. Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments have not yet exhausted their resource potential and are able to maintain the existing levels of hydrocarbon production in the Republic. It is evidenced by the discovery of new oil and gas deposits. Sediments of the pre-Jurassic complex can significantly increase the potential resource base of hydrocarbons in Kalmykia and the volume of hydrocarbon production in the Republic. In the Permian-Triassic complex the main oil and gas prospects are associated with Neftekumsk formation of the East-Manych trough (priority recommended object - Tsekertinskaya structure) and with possible analogue of the carbonate Neftekumsk formation in the grabens of the Karpinskiy ridge. In the Paleozoic complex, it is necessary to clarify the prospects for oil and gas content of the carboniferous sediments of the Karpinskiy ridge and the Manych deflections zone (the first recommended polygon for geological exploration is the Tsubuksko-Promyslovskiy shaft).


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