Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011


UDC: 550.834:26.21
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2021-6(354)-42-49



1 LLC "Research and Development Center "Geostra", Ufa, Russian Federation
2 JSC "Bashneftegeofizika", Ufa, Russian Federation

Keywords: seismic survey, vertical seismic profiling, acoustic logging, density logging, stratigraphic tie, Structural imaging, reservoir properties prediction


Stratigraphic tie of on-land seismic survey results has long been limited by mainly deep and temporal tying of dynamically expressed regular reflections to the geological section. The modern level of seismic survey technology has long required a deeper approach to the stratigraphic tie. Not only depth and temporal tie of reflections to the geological section should be performed but also an assessment of the reflections phase drift, an assessment of errors in the correlation of low-stability reflections and caused errors of structural imaging, a relationship between the features of wave packets structure and the strata lithological structure and rock-facies sedimentation conditions should be established, the wave phenomena from productive formations should be identified and the nature of their changes when changing the formations reservoir properties should be determined and the quality of seismic data processing should be assessed based on the correspondence of the obtained wave field to the distribution of elastic properties in the section. A complete solution of all these problems will make it possible to improve the quality of 2D/3D CDP data processing, get rid of formal and subjective approaches to the geological interpretation of seismic data, increase significantly the structural imaging accuracy as well as the accuracy of the area lithofacial structure study, the accuracy of productive deposit and formation reservoir properties prediction and seismic study detailing level. This primarily meets the interests of subsoil users and besides it will contribute to the further development of seismic technology.


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