Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011


UDC: 551.35+550.8
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2021-7(355)-5-12



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Oil and Gas Research Institute Russian Academy of Sciences (OGRI RAS)

Keywords: reef, morphological-genetic types of reefs, screening strata, reef and non-reef reservoirs


The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of shielding traps nature associated with reef massifs, on the one hand, and structural-tectonic ones, in which arch reservoirs are formed in clastic deposits and non-reef carbonate ones, on the other hand. The screening material composition is the same for any trap types - it is mainly clay and/or salt-bearing strata, which is determined by the climate of rock formation environments. Differences in seals of reef and non-reef reservoirs are determined by genetic factors and manifested in morphology. Screening strata of reef deposits are formed at regressive stages of sedimentation basin history; screening of structural traps occurs at transgressive stages. In case of non-reef traps, seals form primarily horizontal or slightly inclined layers, and the closed volume of traps is created as a result of subsequent tectonic movements, while in reef traps, screening deposits cover the entire surface of structures, and the height of the traps can be significant, that is, the closed volume is formed already at the sedimentation stage.


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