Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011


UDC: 553.98(479.24)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2021-9(357)-14-21



1 Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku, the Azerbaijan Republic

Keywords: archipelago, oil, structure, uplift, mud volcano, pericline, arch, fold


The paper reveals the conditions for the required expansion of hydrocarbons resource base in the western side of the South Caspian basin and increase of production at some oil and gas fields in the Baku Archipelago. These studies can provide more reliable information on the structures under study, and the results obtained can contribute to the further discovery of new structures with hydrocarbon potential in this particular zone of the South Caspian basin. Determining the nature of the development of the Aran-deniz, Dashly, Sabail structures, paleogeographic, thermobaric conditions and the rate of sedimentation, then assessment of the prospects for the oil and gas potential of the studied zone was made. With the help of the conducted studies, a paleotectonic and paleogeographic reconstruction of the region under study was carried out and on the basis of these data, the paleotectonic features of the studied area, as well as the sedimentation zones, were clarified. As a result, a schematic map, paleogeographic histogram, graphs of the individual structures sedimentation rate, paleotectonic profiles were built and analyzed, a graph of the development of the Aran-Deniz - Dashly-Sabail structures depending on time was built and analyzed. The studies provided the basis for the following conclusions: - the study of the history of the geological development of the of Aran-deniz, Dashly and Sabail local structures showed that their development has a consedimentary character; - the study of paleogeographic conditions and the sedimentation rate of individual stratigraphic units proved the presence of favorable paleogeographic conditions for the accumulation of organic matter in potential oil source rocks of the section above the abundance in the Earth's crust; - the complication of local structures by mud volcanism makes it possible to come to the conclusion that there were quite favorable thermobaric conditions on the territory for the generation of oil and gas by potential oil source strata.


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