Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Development of conceptual solutions for carrying out multi-stage hydraulic fracturings in low-permeable clay reservoirs of the Kynovskiy horizon of the South Tatar arch

UDC: 622.276.1/.4(470.41):622.276.66
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-1(361)-61-69



1 PJSC Tatneft, Almetyevsk, Russia

Keywords: multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, hydrodynamic modeling, horizontal well, clay reservoir


The article presents optimization calculations for putting into active development of low-permeable clay reservoirs of the Kynovskiy horizon of the South Tatar arch applying the technology of drilling a horizontal well with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. The results of hydraulic fracturing in the D0 formation were analyzed and the criteria of the applicability of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing operations were developed. On their basis, a site for sectoral hydrodynamic modeling was selected to determine the optimal zone for new wells placement. When creating the model, a new interpretation of the wells logging data of the site was taken into account (the boundary value of porosity was reduced to 7 %). The calculations showed that the most advantageous orientation of horizontal boreholes of planned wells with a completion option with multistage hydraulic fracturing is across the direction of the regional stress (for the Kynovskiy horizon, the direction is taken from the south-east to the north-west). The optimal placement of wells in accordance with the distribution of reservoir properties in the site includes seven wells, of which two wells with a horizontal section length of 1000 m and five wells – 500 m.


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