Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Features of the geological structure and oil and gas potential of the Astrakhan region

UDC: 551.24:553.98(470.46)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-10(370)-5-11



1 Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev, Astrakhan, Russia

Keywords: Astrakhan arch, sedimentary cover, Devonian-carboniferous complex, foundation, Devonian deposits, carbonate deposits, structural floor, subsalt Paleozoic, structural-tectonic complex of deposits, oil and gas formation, prospects of oil and gas potential


Currently, the search for oil and gas fields is of great importance and is one of the strategic tasks of the state. In this regard, an important place is given to the issues of forecasting the prospects of oil and gas potential of territories. The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of the structure and prospects of oil and gas potential of the deep horizons of the Astrakhan arch, located in the south-west of the Caspian oil and gas province. The characteristic features of the geological structure of the structure under consideration are: a significant thickness of the sedimentary cover, reaching 22 km according to geophysical data; the presence of a thick layer of Kungur rock salt separating the cover deposits into two structural floors – subsalt and suprasalt; oil and gas potential of individual structures and stratigraphic units. The Caspian oil and gas province is one of the largest in our country. It has great opportunities for the discovery of large oil and gas accumulation zones and individual deposits both in the subsalt and above-salt complexes.

The subsalt structural floor most fully reflects the tectonics of the Caspian Basin, where the main object is located – the Astrakhan vault. In the oil and gas accumulation zone of the Astrakhan arch, significant resources of oil, natural gas and gas condensate are concentrated in coal and Devonian deposits. The vault has an ancient (pre-Devonian) foundation, has been developing inherently for a long time and is located directly in the oil and gas formation zone, and against the background of the immersion of the Caspian syneclise occupied an elevated hypsometric position.

Its clear structural expression, the presence of good reservoir rocks, reliable regional tires, proximity to the feeding area and other favorable factors indicate the possibility of the formation of large hydrocarbon deposits, which confirms its prospects in the Lower Carboniferous and Devonian deposits.


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