
Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Technology of analysis, forecasting and optimization of a group of producing wells operation by means of regression analysis and fluid’s displacement characteristics

UDC: 622.276.1/.4
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-11(371)-60-70



1 Federal Research Center Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: field development analysis, production optimization, regression analysis, displacement characteristics, material balance, inflow equation


The article proposes a technology for analysis, forecasting and optimization of the group of producing wells by means of regression analysis and fluid’s displacement characteristics. Wells’ interference is taken into account. A case of production wells water-flooding by edge water encroachment is considered. Pressure maintenance system influence will be described in the following articles.


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