Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Assessment of oil and gas potential prospects based on the degree of catagenetic transformation of paleogene rocks organic matter of the central and Eastern Caucasus (the territory of Stavropol region)

UDC: 550.849
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-2(362)-43-49



1 "NK "Rosneft" - STC", Stavropol, Russia

Keywords: paleogene sediments, catagenesis, degree of transformation, organic matter, oil and gas potential, prospects


As a result of hydrocarbon deposits gradual depletion, it became necessary to generalize and analyze the accumulated factual material on the geology, geochemistry and oil and gas potential of the Paleogene deposits in the Central and Eastern Ciscaucasia at new technical and methodological levels. At present, the study and development of complex (unconventional) reservoirs, which occur in the Paleogene deposits sections, are very relevant and the research in these areas is of great theoretical and practical importance. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the prospects for the oil and gas content of the Paleogene sediments of the area under study, taking into account the catagenetic features of the organic matter transformation dispersed in the rocks. When assessing the prospects for the oil and gas potential of the Paleogene sediments, the following extensive geological and geochemical material was used, obtained by means of modern analytical research methods: data on the organic carbon content in rocks; the results of luminescent-bitumen-logical and pyrolytic ("Rock-Eval" modification) analyses; the results of determining the vitrinite reflectivity as well as the data on modern and paleothermobaric conditions of the subsoil assets. The use of the results of the pyrolytic method in combination with other research methods to determine the degree of the organic matter evolution in rocks of the Paleogene age made it possible to simulate the catagenetic process within the territory of the Central and Eastern Ciscaucasia and to carry out a comparative analysis of the conditions for the organic matter transformation both in the studied area and in the Paleogene section.


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