Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Formation conditions and structural features of the Lower Devonian carbonate reservoirs in the north-east of the Timan-Pechora petroleum basin

UDC: 550.8.052+552.54
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-2(362)-5-13



1 LLC "Special Geophysical Data Systems", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: Lower Devonian, carbonate deposits, Gamburtsev swell, Khoreyver depression, facies features, reservoir, deposit


The analysis of the Lower Devonian hydrocarbon deposits composition and the research of their lithofacies characteristics allowed characterizing the main factors that determine these deposits distribution within the eastern edge of the Khoreyver depression and the Gamburtsev swell of the Varandey-Adzva structural zone. The productivity of the fields under research is mainly associated with carbonate reservoirs with high degree of heterogeneity due to both sedimentation conditions and post-sedimentation transformations – dolomitization, leaching, fracturing. The Lower Devonian deposits configuration and distribution was significantly influenced by their erosion, which led to the thickness decrease of the productive Lower Devonian intervals and the Sotchemkyrta horizon’s seals.
The productivity of the deposits within the research area is associated with facies of carbonate shoals with bioclastic and frame sedimentation, as well as sublittoral facies with bacterial-algal sedimentation, but only in that part of the section where limestones were subjected to intense dolomitization and leaching. The reservoirs effective porosity is provided by the polygenic pore space, which includes inter-crystalline, cavernous and fracture pores. The argillaceous-dolomite unit of the Sotchemkyrta horizon contains low-capacity reservoirs and smaller deposits which is caused by the limited unit’s deposits distribution and facies features.


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