Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Oil and gas fields according to quantum-optical filtration data of satellite images in the south-western part of the Krasnoyarsk territory

UDC: 553.982:553.98(571.51)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-2(362)-60-64



1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia
2 JSC TomskNIPIneft
3 JSC "TOMKO", Tomsk, Russia

Keywords: satellite image, filtering, field’s boundaries, unpromising lands, The Krasnoyarsk Territory, gas, oil, exploration, depression, innovative technologies


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a promising region of Russia, where there is an opportunity to increase the volume of oil and gas production. This fact will make it possible to compensate the oil production decrease in a number of regions of the country. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to accelerate the discovery of new oil and gas fields in this region. It can be done only by using innovative technologies for searching oil and gas fields. Such a technology was developed by specialists of JSC "TOMKO" and scientists of the Tomsk Research Polytechnic University. This technology of quantum-optical filtering of satellite images allows identifying the boundaries of oil and gas fields anywhere in the world. Its essence lies in the fact that it removes information from the satellite image about the presence of a specific electromagnetic signal, peculiar only to hydrocarbons, coming from an oil and gas field. These physical parameters allow identification of oil and gas deposits controlled by any rocks and any types of traps. Within six months, in laboratory conditions, this technology provides studying the area of 5000…6000 km2. This technology has repeatedly proved its effectiveness. It also allows identification of the first exploratory wells locations. When receiving industrial oil or gas inflows in a well laid down by this technology application, it is possible to start carrying out optimal seismic operations in terms of volume, taking into account the boundaries of the field identified by this technology use. Such a scheme of fields searching dramatically reduces the time and funds for field searching. Applying this technology, the specialists of JSC "TOMKO" have identified the boundaries of 12 deposits in the south-western part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The area of these fields ranges from 180 to 35 km2, thus allowing discovery of fields with large, medium and small oil and gas reserves. The roughness of the boundaries of some deposits according to this technology data is most likely associated with the uneven saturation of the Paleozoic carbonate rocks with oil and gas. The development of these fields will allow the region to organize oil production in more favorable climatic conditions.


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