
Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Geological structure of the Devonian bioherm structure in the axial zone of the Mukhanovo-Erokhov trough of the Kama-Kinel trough system and analysis of the development of complex carbonate reservoirs on the example of the reef deposit of the V1 + D3fam. + D3bur. object of the Yuzhno-Orlovskiy field of the Samara region

UDC: 553.98(470.43)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-3(363)-5-22



1 LLC "SamaraNIPIneft", Samara, Russia

Keywords: geological structure, carbonate reservoirs, reservoir energy potential


The article discusses the geological features of carbonate reservoirs structure on the example of reef organogenic formations. The object of the research is the Western dome of the Yuzhno-Orlovskoye field, which is characterized by a complex geological structure and high heterogeneity due to the presence of various reservoir lithotypes (fractured, porous, cavernous and their combinations). The following measures for the object development are proposed: – implementation of a denser well placement grid for oil recovery from low-permeable reservoirs; – optimal selection of wells operation mode; - stage-by-stage development of reserves "along the section" due to the high level of oil-bearing deposits. The first level implies the sequential perforation of the object lower part, and further on, as the reserves of the object bottom part are depleted, the roof part of the object will be perforated; – timely organization of reservoir pressure maintenance system, etc.


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