The study of regularities of formation of the groundwater chemical composition of Atlym-Novomikhailovskiy horizon in conditions of the central part development of the Samotlor oil field by the method of principal components
UDC: 556.3(571.1)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-3(363)-66-72
1 West Siberian Institute of Oil and Gas Geology of Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russia
2 A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, the West-Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Keywords: fresh groundwater, chemical composition, factor, indicator, analysis, dispersion, area
The results of studying the regularities of the water ionic composition formation in the Atlym-Novomyikhaylovskiy horizon within the territory of the central part of the Samotlor deposit are presented. During the statistical processing of indicators of the water chemical composition, the method of the factor analysis main components was applied. The study resulted in identification of four factors. Their significance is substantiated by the main geochemical processes (decomposition, dissolution, ion exchange) in the "water–rock–gas-organic matter" system, the aquifers conditions characteristics of the West Siberian artesian basin.
The areas of distribution of factors over the area are uneven, which is caused by the influence on the formation of the chemical composition of waters of both the territory natural peculiarities (swamping, poor drainage of its central part) and the different lithological composition of water-bearing rocks, including the aeration area.
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