Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Sedimentation and naphthogenesis in the neoproterozoic in the fold area of the south of the Siberian platform

UDC: 551.71/.72:551.263.036(571.5)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-4(364)-11-17



1 Institute of the Earth’s Crust SB RAS, Irkutsk, Russia

Keywords: Siberian platform, Neoproterozoic, Vendian, correlation, microfossils, depositional environment, oil deposits


Complex (by applying paleontologic and isotope methods) horizon-oriented correlation between sediments of the Baikal-Patom fold region (BPFR) and the south of the Siberian platform (SSP) is made. The published data on microfossils, small-shell fossils, ratios of 87Sr/86Sr in carbonates, U-PB datings of clastic zircons have been used. Levels of Nemakit-Daldyn and Tommot inter-regional stages are correlated most precisely. Sedimentation and geodynamic evolution of the territory in Neo-Proterozoic is shown for sections of the BPFR. Three stages of development are underlined: passive margin (rifting), back-ark basin and foreland basin. Two top stages of BPFR are correlated with the boreholes sections of the SSP and correspond with Vendian in the interval of 600...540 million years. It is expected that oil deposits in the south of the BPFR were formed and redistributed in some stages. The primary volume of hydrocarbons has been accumulated as a result of vital activity of the deep-water chemolithotrophic bacteria southward of the platform, in back-arc basin of the BPFR folded area in the end of Neoproterozoic. Formation of oil and its migration to the north into Vendian-Cambrian sediments occurred as a result of collision events on the Siberian craton margin from the end of Vendian up to Silurian.


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