Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Lithological and geochemical features of reservoir rocks and fluid traps of the ordovician potentially oil- and gas-bearing reservoir (north tunguska oil- and gas-bearing region, the Eastern Siberia)

UDC: 550.4:552.578.2.061.4/.7:551.733.1(571.5)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-6(366)-17-34



1 А.Р. Karpinsky Russian Geological Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: Ordovician system, lithogeochemical, facies analyses, reservoir properties, Tunguska Syneclise, the Eastern Siberia


Middle Ordovician sandstones correspond to the main regional level of granular reservoirs development in the Paleozoic section of the Tunguska syneclise. Its fluid traps consist of Middle-Upper Ordovician clay-carbonate deposits. Macro- and optical-microscopic studying of terrigenous deposits of the Kuntykakhinskaya formation (O2kn) in the northeastern part of the syneclise showed the predominance of variegated quartz and fieldspar-quartz sandstone and siltstone with argillite intercalations in the section. Results of electron-microscopic and X-ray phase analysis revealed a multicomponent composition of cement with dolomite, calcite, anhydrite, quartz, illite, goethite and hematite. The analysis of rock-forming components distribution based on the data of silicate analysis and calculation of lithochemical moduli showed revealing the fact that quartz psammite is composed of mature recycled (redeposited) material of sedimentary or metamorphic rocks (second cycle rocks). Chemical weathering indices of hydromicaceous argillites and lithological indicators of rocks showed that the paleoclimate of the area of erosion and the final runoff basin was semiarid. The relationship of facies indicators of deposits, the behavior of minor and rare earth elements determined settings in the area of the sedimentation basin as marginal-marine with high water salinity, and the domination of ferric oxide over ferrous oxide and trace amounts of organic carbon in the rock served as indicators of oxidizing geochemical setting. Open porosity of the studied sandstone strata is 13…17 %, gas permeability is 32…358 mD. The degradation of their reservoir parameters is caused by post-sedimentary processes: rock consolidation, filling of the interstitial space with regeneration quartz and carbonate minerals. The zonal trap consists of sulfate-bearing dolomite with argillite interlayers, lying at the top of the Kuntykakhinskaya formation, and clayey dolomite of the Moyeronskaya formation with extremely low reservoir characteristics.


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