Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
The technology of gas wells restoration by removing the blockage of gas-producing intervals by water through the identification and shutdown of water supply intervals

UDC: 622.279.6:556.343
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-6(366)-63-67



1 NPF "Urengoyspecgis", Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets AO, Russia
2 Plast LLC, Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets AO, Russia

Keywords: well, water insulation works, restoration of oil and gas wells, technology of force plasma-impulse impact, impact on water supply formations, spectral neutron gamma-ray logging – broadband (SNGRL-BB), current model of the development object, power wave generators, rock compaction, kinetic energy of water, removal of the blockade by water of the productive stratum, water content measurement of the gas flow at a well mouth


Currently, various methods of production enhancement are used, which do not eliminate the cause of flooding. A technology is proposed for restoring gas wells by removing the blockade of productive formations by water through the identification and shutdown of water supply intervals. The technology is based on four main methodological aspects:

1. Identification of the water inflow interval and assessment of the rocks properties by spectral neutron gamma-ray logging – broadband (SNGRL-BB)

2. Elimination of water inflow by a power generator.

3. Control by monitoring using spectral neutron gamma-ray logging – broadband (SNGRL-BB) over changes in the properties of rocks and the nature of saturation.

4. Bringing the well to an anhydrous regime (moisture metering).

When a force field is created with the help of an impact generator, the rock is partially compacted and the formation waters are deprived of kinetic energy. It gives the effect of complete shutting down the water supply interval. As a result, the water blockage of the productive formation is removed. The force effect is produced in the production string without opening it and does not affect the productive formations.

At present, the proposed technology is the most effective way to increase the profitability of operating fields.


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