Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Problems of comparison of hydrocarbon deposits’ reserves and conditional resources in the classifications of Russia and PRMS

UDC: 553.
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2022-8(368)-62-69



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
2 LUKOIL Upstream Mexico, Mexico

Keywords: geological-economic audit, proven reserves, probable and possible reserves, conditional reserves, exploration maturity of hydrocarbon raw materials, developed and undeveloped reserves, drilled and undeveloped reserves


The purpose, objectives, concept, content, comparison and structure of reserves of Russian explored hydrocarbon deposits are considered, for which there exist problems of their comparison with conditional resources (reserves) of the PRMS system during geological and economic international audit. In order to adequately compare the hydrocarbon fields under exploration with the same fields in the PRMS system, it is proposed to return to such objects the classification category "reserves" (instead of "conditional resources") and determine reserves by the degree of study (uncertainty) and status of their state. Along with this, in the structure of undeveloped reserves, it is proposed to return the missing reserve categories C3 (explored deposits) and B3 (developed deposits) for comparison with possible reserves in the classification of the PRMS system.


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