Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Analysis of the current state of wells water-flooding in the Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field

UDC: 622.279.23/.4(571.1)+622.279.5:556.343
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2023-1(373)-46-56



1 Saint Petersburg Mining University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Keywords: analysis of the current state of wells water-flooding, control of the field development process, scheme of the control process for the development of hydrocarbon deposits, layout of the control and observation stock of wells, assessment of drained gas reserves of the Cenomanian deposit of the Zapolyarnoye field, analysis of well logging results, calculation of the volume of water introduced into the deposit


In the Russian Federation the main volume of gas has been extracted for many years from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Western Siberia. The long-term operation of giantic deposits is closely related to the natural process of Cenomanian deposits watering during their development. The introduction of water into the deposit leads to of production wells watering and a decrease of the reservoir final gas recovery. In order to avoid these negative aftereffects, the process of deposits water-flooding should be controlled. As a rule, the process of reservoirs water-flooding is monitored by methods of geophysical well surveys, based on the results of interpretation of which maps of the rise and current position of the gas-water contact are built. The article analyzes the current state of the Cenomanian reservoir water-flooding, located in the Zapolyarnoye oil and gas condensate field, which is based on the technologies applied at the field to control the progress of gas-liquid contact and the possibility of using more modern methods in order to increase the reliability of the final result.


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