Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Specific features of petrophysical modeling of marine and continental sediments on the example of the AB13 and AB2 formations of the Kechimovskiy deposit

UDC: 550.8.053
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2023-10(382)-25-34



1 LUKOIL-Engineering Limited KogalymNIPIneft Branch Office in Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
2 Tyumen Industrial University

Keywords: sedimentation, formation, facies, deposit, well, oil, sediments, core


Generalization and analysis of all accumulated petrophysical and geological-geophysical information of complexly composed deposits allow typing sections. In the sediments of the AB13 and AB2 formations of the Kechimovskiy deposit, two sedimentation conditions (marine and continental) allow taking a new look at one development object. The division of standard petrophysical connections into facies makes it possible to increase the reliability of the calculated parameters estimation.

At the same time, a complex model, including petrophysics, 2D, 3D geophysical wells survey and hydrodynamic modeling (HDM), as well as adaptation, according to development indicators, will serve as a more reliable detailed basis for the implementation of a project technological document for the development of yet undeveloped areas of the deposit, will optimize the placement of exploration and operational project fund wells in the sediments of the Neocomian deposits, determine reserves.


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