Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Features of the development of the Markovskoye gas condensate field in the Rostov region

UDC: 622.276.1/.4(470.61)
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2023-12(384)-52-57



1 Industrial University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia
2 JSC Dongazdobycha, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Keywords: development, gas, condensate, deposit, Podolskiy, Kashirskiy, Vereyskiy, Cheremshanskiy horizons


The Markovskoye gas condensate field, located in the Rostov region, is medium-sized in terms of the counted dry gas reserves volume and a complex, multi-layered one in terms of its geological composition, being in the stage of stable gas production. The accumulated gas extraction amounted to only 17,3 % of the initial geological reserves, thus making it promising from the point of view of planning its further development.

Three floors of gas content are conditionally allocated at the field. The upper gas-bearing floor unites deposits in the sediments of the Podolskiy, Kashirskiy and Vereyskiy horizons; the depth of deposits is 450…1000 m. The middle gas-bearing floor unites the productive formations of the Melekesskiy and the upper part of the Cheremshanskiy horizons; the depth of occurrence is 1000…1650 m. The lower floor of the gas content is the lower part of the Cheremshanskiy horizon; the depth of occurrence is 1650…2100 m. The authors of the article consider the deposits of the upper and lower floors of gas content (29 productive formations).

Hydrocarbon deposits are stratified, tectonically and lithologically shielded; reservoirs of productive horizons are of terrigenous type, porous and low-permeable.

The recommended development option given in the article provides for the unification of formations similar in their formation properties into single objects, the development of the field by a fund of wells – 23 units, the allocation of formations of the Cheremshanskiy horizon into one operational object, drilling of two gas wells.


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