Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Statistical data as a basis for quantitative assessment of prospective license blocks resource base in the regions with established oil and gas potential

UDC: 553.98(470.56+470.57):553.98.04
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2023-3(375)-46-52



1 LUKOIL-Engineering LLC, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: prospective hydrocarbons resources evaluation, oil and gas potential prospects, exploration studies, oil and gas complexes, non-anticline traps


The article presents an approach for hydrocarbons resource base assessment, based on statistical data on the discovered oil and gas fields in the region in conditions of limited or complete absence of actual geological-geophysical data. The proposed method is suitable for express-assessment of hydrocarbon resources in the developed oil production areas, where deep exploratory wells are located extremely unevenly and where modern 3D seismic surveys have not been carried out in order to identify and to prospect for both structural and non-anticline objects.


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