Scientific and technical journal

«Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields»

ISSN 2413-5011

Geology, geophysics and development of oil and gas fields
Seismo-geological analysis while drilling (SGA) – a tool for drilling successful wells and cost reduction of oil and gas field development

UDC: 550.8:622.24
DOI: 10.33285/2413-5011-2023-7(379)-37-48



1 Institute of geology and development of fossil fuels, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: operational drilling (OD), seismic survey, seismic-geological analysis (SGA), seismic anomalies, directional wells (DW)


This paper describes some aspects of practical applications of seismo-geological analysis (SGA) while drilling of development wells (horizontals and side-tracks). The goal of this paper is to demonstrate SGA while drilling as a high-potential tool to solve a series of problems of horizontal well drilling in difficult geological conditions, for more effective well targeting and geosteering, and overall success of well drilling. SGA methodology consists of very detailed seismic interpretation while well planning of horizontals and side-tracks, and then seismic operational support during well drilling process itself to minimize geological risks and uncertainties during drilling and development phases. This paper also describes some critical issues related to geological support and monitoring while drilling horizontal wells, and also an example of SGA applications in real conditions of a super-giant oil and gas field in the Eastern Siberia. In this field over short time, it was possible to develop and successfully deploy practical methodology to drill more successful horizontal wells and side-tracks.


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