Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351


UDC: 622.276.432
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2021-5(629)-18-25



1 LLC "Tyumen Petroleum Research Center", Tyumen, Russian Federation

Keywords: accontronized collectors, auto hydraulic fracturing, technogenic tracks, watering, radial training system


The current level of water cut in the developed deposits in Western Siberia averages 89 %, which is 5 % higher than the average for the Ural Volga region, while the development of the latter was started 30 years earlier. High flooding cut is associated with both the geological features of the deposits, for example, the active involvement of hard-to-recover reserves, and with the principles of formation pressure. As soon as low-permeability reserves are involved in development, there are more and more heterogeneous reservoirs, rapidly rimmed wells with mobile reserves in the drainage area. In practice, they try to explain this by calling such reserves difficult to recover. To no less extent by the applied technologies of their extraction. After the application of waterflooding in the subsoil, at best, 60…70 % of oil reserves remain, and with its irrational use, this value can be significantly higher in the practice of oil production, there are examples of the negative effect of increased pumping pressures on development indicators due to the formation of the layer sins. Therefore, the question is legitimate whether an increase in repression on the reservoir can lead to irreversible negative consequences? The purpose of this article is to highlight the mechanism of technogenic transformation of the structure of low-permeability formations with an increase in injection pressure.


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