Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351


UDC: 622.279.23/.4
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2021-7(631)-11-16



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Institute of oil and gas problems of the RAS

Keywords: oil and gas-condensate field, modeling, rational placement of the horizontal wellbore, well profile, main development indicators, horizontal well, vertical well


The paper analyzes the effectiveness of horizontal wells use in oil and gas-condensate fields, the determination of the main development indicators and the comparison of development options. This field is of great interest due to the fact that during the recombination of gas and liquid phases samples it was defined that in the initial reservoir conditions, the reservoir fluid is in a single-phase state, i. e. the pressure of the single-phase state is equal to the reservoir state. From the very beginning of development, without maintaining reservoir pressure, a decrease in the content of C5+ hydrocarbons will be observed in the composition of the extracted products. The pressure of the minimum saturated liquid content in the extracted gas is predicted in the range of 18,6…15,0 MPa, i. e. with a decrease in pressure by 24…38 % from the initial one. When the reservoir pressure is reduced to 0,1 MPa, the amount of C5+ hydrocarbons not extracted from the reservoir (reservoir losses in relation to gas condensate deposits) is 622,4 cm3/m3. The density of these hydrocarbons is 0,7444 g/cm3. The paper substantiates the choice of wells location and their profile, as well as calculates the main development indicators for each well placement option. The elements of modeling using the tNavigator software product are also presented.


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