Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351


UDC: 622.692.4.004.55
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2021-8(632)-50-57



1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation

Keywords: mathematical model, asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits, simulation, controlled layer, conductivity


The relevance of the study is caused by the need of developing new methods to be applied for eliminating organic deposits, the formation of which is one of the most serious problems when producing and transporting paraffin oil in the Perm region. Prevention of these deposits formation will reduce the cost of pipelines maintenance and repair, as well as increase the oilfield equipment operational life-time. Modeling and feasibility study of the "controlled layer" technology implementation are carried out as well as a mathematical model of the organic deposits required thickness on the inner surface of the targeted oil pipeline is developed. The results of laboratory studies on the "Cold Rod" installation, assessment of the thermal conductivity of organic deposits, a feasibility study for the implementation of the technology under consideration, including the economic calculation, modeling of the effect of organic deposits formation on the operational parameters of an oil pipeline are presented. Laboratory studies have made it possible to determine the kinetic parameters of organic deposits formation and their thermal insulation properties. The simulation of the organic deposits formation performed in the hydrodynamic simulator "Engineering Simulator" showed that this technology application is technologically efficient and does not lead to a significant excess of pressure at the entrance to the pipeline under consideration. The technology economic substantiation has proved its significant capital costs, but the low operating costs of this technology make it more economically feasible than carrying out flushing of the targeted oil pipeline. The authors of the paper also presented a mathematical model for calculating the required thickness of organic deposits to assess the rational implementation of the technology in question on linear oil pipelines.


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