Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351


UDC: 622.276:620.193.462.21
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2021-9(633)-46-53



1 LLC "RN-BashNIPIneft", Ufa, Russian Federation
2 Federal state-financed organization of science Institute of Chemistry Far-East department of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russian Federation
3 Nizhnevartovsk branch of Federal State Budget Educational Institution of Higher Education "Industrial University of Tyumen", Nizhnevartovsk, Tyumen region, Russian Federation
4 JSC "Orenburgneft" PJSC "NK "Rosneft", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: corrosion, Hydrogen Sulfide-containing Media, localized corrosion, complicated mechanized well stock, downhole equipment, iron sulfide, mackinawite, Greigite, x-ray spectral analysis, Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis


Complications associated with the corrosive environment, according to JSC "Orenburgneft", PJSC "NK "Rosneft" for the period 01.01.2021, are among the prevailing at oil and gas production facilities and share the 1st place with the scaling factor - 26 % of the complicated mechanized well stock. Downhole equipment failures due to corrosion account for 20 % of the total number of fixed failures in 2020. By the type of exposure to a corrosive environment at the fields operated within the perimeter of Rosneft, JSC "Orenburgneft", hydrogen sulfide and mixed corrosion, caused by simultaneous action of CO2 and H2S, are predominant. The article presents the calculated data on the physicochemical characteristics of aqueous solutions of H2S. The existing approaches for description the mechanisms of hydrogen sulfide corrosion of oilfield equipment are described. The study results of deposits from the inner surface tubing after running in hydrogen sulfide-containing media, obtained using the X-ray diffractometric method, are presented. The deposit’s elemental and mineral composition has been established by X-ray spectral analysis. Next to sulfide (makinawite) and polysulfide (greigite) of iron, the samples were found to contain calcium and strontium carbonates, sodium chloride and quartz, which are products the accompanying scaling process and mechanical impurities. The difference between the obtained results and a number of theoretical concepts on the stability of the existence the polymorphic forms of iron sulfides, based on the laboratory studies, is shown, and is confirmed by the results of the operation of oilfield equipment. Despite the fact that makinavite is considered the most unstable form of iron sulfide, it can be present mainly in the form of this polymorphic form in the sediments of real oilfield systems. According to the research results, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of sulfide and polysulfide sulfur, carried out by the method of energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis, is shown. The diffraction patterns of the obtained spectra are presented, the interpretation of which shows the possibility of classifying the ongoing corrosion processes by a mixed mechanism at a concentration ratio of corrosive gases CO2/H2S = 4, which is confirmed by the simultaneous presence of sulfides and carbonates in corrosion products.


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