Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Mathematical models of wells flow rate long-term prediction according to hydrodynamic investigations data

UDC: 622.279:681.5
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2022-11(647)-31-41



1 North Caucasian Scientific Research Design Institute of Natural Gases, Stavropol, Russia

Keywords: gas, well, hydrodynamic studies, inflow equation, indicator line, flow rate, absolutely free flow rate, predicted flow rate


In the context of increasing competition for the markets of natural gas, oil and products of their processing, the problem of improving the planning of gas production from wells is rather acute. In particular, an urgent problem is a reliable long-term calculation of wells predicted flow rates. The article proposes a methodology for such calculations based on the data of hydrodynamic studies. To improve the reliability of the long-term calculation of predicted wells flow rates, the models of gas inflows to the well were analyzed by both from the point of view of the classical Darcy and Forchheimer filtration laws and Rawlins – Schellhardt equation, which is less commonly used in practice.


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