Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Approximation of curves of relative phase permeabilities in creating geological and hydrodynamic models of high-viscosity oil reserves

UDC: 622.
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2022-12(648)-28-33



1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russia

Keywords: relative phase permeability, high-viscous oil, carbonate reservoir, geological-hydrodynamic modeling, hard-to-recover reserves


When constructing geological and hydrodynamic models, one of the main properties is the permeability of the reservoir. However, in addition to constructing the absolute permeability cube, the dynamics of fluid movement in a two- or three-phase flow is determined by the shape of the relative phase permeability curves. There are many different correlations to approximate the actual phase permeability studies on the core and use them for modeling. However, when filtering high-viscosity oil, it is rather difficult to approximate real values due to their non-standard form. The paper analyzes the ways of preparing and using curves of relative phase permeabilities. The work is aimed at improving the quality of geological and hydrodynamic modeling by selecting the optimal method for approximating phase permeability curves when filtering high-viscosity oil through a carbonate reservoir. The choice of the optimal method is based on the calculation of a geological and hydrodynamic model with different curves of relative phase permeabilities, approximated by the LET and Corey dependences, with further comparison of the simulation results.


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