Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Influence of inlet flow parameters changes on the indicators of the process of amine gas sulfur purification

UDC: 66.074.51
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2022-5(641)-54-59



1 O‘ZLITINEFTGAZ, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Keywords: gas preparation, natural gas, absorption, scavenger, amine desulfurization, combination, sour gas, efficiency, modeling


At present, the oil and gas industry of Uzbekistan is facing the problem of increasing the raw hydrocarbon production and the efficiency of its preparation. To do this, it is necessary to discover new deposits or improve the efficiency of the existing ones. At the same time, in Uzbekistan, in recent years, gas fields with sulfur-free gas have been greatly depleted, that’s why there arises a problem of efficient processing of gas with an average and high content of acidic components. The existing methods, ongoing processes and chemical reagents used are not effective enough in gas purification and preparation to standard quality indicators.

To implement the above-mentioned measures, it is necessary to solve urgent problems to achieve the quality indicators of natural gas, which are normalized according to the state Standard O’z DSt 948:2016. It is required to develop more effective scavenging reagents without making significant changes of the technological process to reduce economic costs, considering the changes of the raw gas parameters. Taking into account all factors, the technology of amine gas desulphurization based on a mathematical model using combined absorbers methyldiethanolamine and diethanolamine was studied in order to improve gas quality so it will answer the new requirements and determine the most effective ratio of absorbing reagents to achieve standard indicators of commercial gas quality.

The calculation results showed that the developed combined absorbing reagents allow provision of the required quality indicators of commercial gas in accordance with the modern requirements as well as capable of purifying gas with a higher content of acidic components in the future, without increasing the overall capital and operating costs of production.


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