Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
"Generalized" dependences for determination of displacement factors in low-permeable (up to 10 mD) formations of the Priobskoye field

UDC: 622.276.57
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2022-6(642)-20-30



1 PB "TERM", Tyumen, Russia
2 Gazpromneft-Khantos, Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia

Keywords: Priobskoye field, low-permeable reservoirs, laboratory core tests, porosity, permeability, coefficients of initial and residual oil saturation, oil-water displacement ratio, recommended empirical relationships


The authors of the article studied a large array of the data, obtained during primary laboratory studies of low-permeable core samples from the Priobskoye field (southern part). The volume of the initial sampling is 522 samples taken from 36 wells, 486 samples remained after acceptance criterion.

It is shown that the primary experimental "points" plotted on the graphs are characterized by a significant scatter (R2 < 0,4), therefore, in practice it is recommended to use the new "generalized" (averaged) dependences of the type Kvyt = f (ln Knn); Kvyt = f (ln Kpr); Kon = f (Kpr).

For practical calculations, in order to increase the reliability of determining Kvvt (namely, leveling of rebounds due to the "instability" of determining Kpr and Knn), it is recommended to evaluate these parameters by all the methods indicated in the article, and then to average the obtained data (for each of the ten permeability intervals) with conclusion on these points of the final correlation dependence.

Application of dependence Kvyt = 0,031Kpr + 0,434, which was used earlier in the calculation of reserves in 2009 for the productive formations AC9–AC12 of the Priobskoe field (with Kpr = 1...10 mD), is not recommended in the future, as it leads to a sharp overestimation of Kvyt: in the range of 1,0...2,5 mD – by 91...47 % rel.; 2,5...5,0 mD – by 47...25 % rel.; 5...10 mD – by 25...15 % rel.

When a certain "critical" value Kpr is established, below which the effect of fluid filtration non-linearity begins to manifest itself in the formations, this factor is not explicitly traced on the obtained dependence Kvyt = f (Kpr).


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