Scientific and technical journal

«Oilfield engineering»

ISSN 0207-2351

Oilfield engineering
Influence of the asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits sampling zone on the results of laboratory studies to assess the effectiveness of the solvent

UDC: 622.276.76
DOI: 10.33285/0207-2351-2022-6(642)-60-63



1 Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, Almetyevsk, Russia

Keywords: asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits, solvent, downhole equipment, efficiency


Long-term practice of operating wells producing oil with a high content of asphaltenes has shown that without optimizing technologies for removing asphalt-resin-paraffin (ARPD) deposits out of oilfield equipment, lifting pipes and discharge lines it is impossible to effectively solve the problems of optimizing oil production costs. The use of composite hydrocarbon solvents is one of the most well-known methods used for the removal of organic deposits. The article presents the results of laboratory studies to assess the efficiency of the asphalt-resin-paraffin (ARPD) solvent used during underground repairs from various surfaces of underground equipment. Based on the conducted laboratory studies of field sediment samples taken from various zones and surfaces of downhole equipment, the influence of the depth and sampling zone of the asphalt-resin-paraffin deposits on the dissolution efficiency was determined.


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